TIE Renewal

TIE 2 – Electric Boogaloo: The Renewal

Being able to stay in Spain past the expiration date does not mean you can leave and re-enter Spain. For that you would need an unexpired TIE, an unexpired Visa, or a regreso (this is covered later).

Getting a new visa includes applying for a background check, apostilles, translations, and paying a $160 application fee. No thanks!

Autorización de Regreso


  • Applying online and sending your application to the corresponding province.
  • Applying in person at the province in which you will be living.
  • Directing your application to the Oficina de extranjería within the province you will be moving to in the application form (will be explained in the application form section).

Below are the requirements:

Step 1: Submit Documents at an Oficina de Registro or Oficina de Extranjeria

Prórroga de estancia por estudios (inclusion.gob.es link)


Guide to Applications Online with a Digital Certificate

How to get a Certificado Digital

Consult your Prórroga Status

Click “Entrar formulario“. If you completely forgot to get a número de expediente, you can still use your NIE, but it’s preferable to have both just in case.

Source: 2021-2022 VLC TIE Renewal Guide

post 1, post 2
You don’t need to wait and receive a physical letter to continue to step 2. When you see a positive result online, print it!

Get an Appointment


Select your province and see if they have an option for “REGISTRO” for “TRÁMITES OFICINAS DE EXTRANJERÍA”.


Choose your province, office, and select “Registro de documentación”.

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Carta de Nombramiento

Something old (2021-2022).
Something new (2022-2023).

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You should also save a digital copy.

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You do not need a fresh entry stamp this time.

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EX-00 Form

EX-00 Link

Section 1:

Again, Estado Civil is your civil status. I have marked here “single”, but if your situation is different, mark it differently.

Section 2:

Section 3:

The address marked here will be where they send notifications regarding your TIE renewal if you don’t consent to receive electronic notifications.


When I first renewed my TIE, I mistakenly checked this box without yet having a digital certificate. I never received a letter, but I was able to check my status at the above webpage.
Prórroga: Titular de autorizacion estancia por estudios…
Sign where it says “Firma”
I attended my appointment at the Oficina de Registro in Madrid and forwarded the application to the Oficina de Extranjeria in Sevilla. (It’s also a good idea to mention to the bureaucrat where you are directing the application.)


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Tasa 790-052

Tasa Modelo 790-052

First, select your province.
Tax ID/Foreigners ID No. = NIE
Leave this section as “Principal”.
Give your location, date, and prove you aren’t a robot.
Again, I recommend paying in person with cash.

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Certificado de Aprovechamiento

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Health Insurance

In this example the poster is in Valencia.

Source: 2021-2022 VLC TIE Renewal Guide

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Step 2: Fingerprint Appointment

Get an Appointment

It’s the same as your initial TIE application (link)

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Prórroga Approval Letter

You don’t need to wait and receive a physical letter. When you see a positive result online, print it!

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During your TIE renewal appointment you are more likely to be required to submit an empadronamiento. They don’t always ask for it, but it is an official requirement, though, so make sure to bring it just in case.

Whenever I’ve been asked for my Empadronamiento, I have given the Volante de Empadronamiento every time, and I have never had any issues. You can find out about the Empadronamiento process in the link below.

How to Empadronarse

The Volante de Empadronamiento is the receipt given to you when first applying for Empadronamiento. It will either be a stamped copy of your solicitud or a separate piece of paper printed with your Empadronamiento information. The official certificate takes about a month to process. If you want to be cautious, you can wait until you have the Certificado de Empadronamiento before attending your TIE appointment.

People have been rejected for just submitting their volante, so play it safe if you can.

Certificado de Empadronamiento example. I’ve used the Volante de Empadronamiento every time it was requested for my TIE Application/Renewal.

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Foto de Carnet

The Foto de Carnet is a professional 32x26mm photo similar to a passport photo (2″x2″). You only need one picture for your TIE, but I recommend making extras just in case. You can easily get this done at any number of Photo Kiosks. These are found all throughout Spain in subway stations, bus stations, supermarkets, by police stations, and anywhere with decent foot traffic. It’s cheap and easy. Have the pictures taken. Carefully cut out the individual pictures, and bring an envelope with your picture(s) to your future TIE appointment.

Get your new Carnet pictures taken.

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Complete the form and sign it. Bring the original + a copy of your completed and signed form. The guide is included below.

Section 1:

Fecha de nacimiento is date, then month, and then year.

Sexo H – Hombre and M – Mujer.

Estado civil is S for soltero, C for casado, V for viudo, D for divorciado, and Sp for separado.

Address needs to include all of the necessary information (escalera/bloque/whatever).

Section 2:

Leave Blank

Section 3:

Same information as before. Include your NIE or Passport number.

Section 4:

Card renewal.
Don’t forget to sign and date it!
(city/town a date de month de year)

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Tasa 790-012

The Tasa Modelo is a tax form you have to fill out and pay at a bank branch or ATM. This form is used to pay for your TIE appointment. I highly recommend going inside a bank branch to pay the tax form with exact cash. This way you are guaranteed to get a stamped sheet back proving your payment for the TIE appointment.

If you have a local Spanish bank account, use your bank branch. If you do not have a local Spanish bank account, you can still use a physical bank branch without issue. I’ve had great luck with Caja Rural in the past. Just go up with your Tasa Modelo filled out, your ID (Passport), and your exact payment. To fill out the form, use the following link.

Tasa Modelo 790-012

You know this part by now. Add your personal information.
The next section can be skipped. Just make sure that you have “Principal” marked.
Find and mark “TIE que documenta la renovación…”.
Include your localidad, date, and mark “en efectivo”. You will pay this fee with exact cash at a bank branch.

After filling out the form, download the form and print it out. Make sure to sign it! Bring the form with exact cash to a bank branch and pay the fee there. Make sure you receive a stamped form in return. This is your proof that you paid the Tasa. Bring it to your TIE appointment.

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Step 3: Recogida de TIE


TRÁMITES POLICÍA NACIONAL Policia – Recogida de Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE)

The appointment process is nearly identical to how you made the Toma de Huellas appointment, so follow the same steps and finish making your appointment. Of course, this time you will be requesting “Recogida de TIE” instead of “Toma de Huellas”.

Bring the following documents to your appointment: your passport, the document given to you in the Toma de Huellas TIE appointment, your old TIE, and your appointment confirmation.

Wait in the Recogida de TIE line. offer your papers when it’s your turn. scan your fingerprints, and accept your new TIE!


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